We founded hujaifa.com to help other small and large businesses. We here on hujaifa.com publish high-quality content to promote the business and products of our valued advertisers.
We have a professional writing team. Our writers write review content about our valued advertisers. We focus on quality content, blog posts, and articles to get maximum conversions and sales for our advertisers. At first, We publish high-quality content on our website. While writing, We focus on our advertiser’s products and business. The means We write a positive review article about the products and business of our advertisers.
Then we promote my contents (blog posts) in a few correct ways.
We promote our content to our email subscribers.
We promote our content on Google Search Engine. We apply search engine optimization (SEO) regularly on our website to get organic traffic from Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines. We focus on both on-page and off-page SEOs. Thus, We are getting organic traffic on our website.
We always obey the rules of affiliate marketing networks like cj.com, amazon associates etc very carefully. We never include a direct affiliate link on our email newsletters. If you ask me, “Do you have links posted elsewhere as well?” The will be: NO.
We are not using any third-party network to promote my advertisers. We focus only on quality content and Quality sales for our advertisers.
How We Generate Revenue?
To support the maintenance of our website, we are getting commissions from our advertisers. When visitors come to our blog, they see affiliate links as text links or banner inside our website’s blog post. If they are interested in reading my post, they buy products using our affiliate link. Thus we generate sales for our advertisers and make revenue. This is definitely a win-win situation. When our advertisers make revenue, we make revenue.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How you can promote our business with Hujaifa.com?
Contact us through the ‘Contact us’ page of our website. Let us know about your business, products, and website. We will write positive reviews about your company and products on our website. We will provide you with a tracking system by which you can track SALES and LEADS to your products.
Should we pay Hujaifa.com for the promotions?
Yes, you need to pay us a small portion or percentage of the sale amount of your product. We won’t charge you if we can not generate SALES for your company. This is a win-win situation. We only make earn revenue when your company makes more profit!
Do you have customer service?
Of course! Our friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives are available to answer your questions 24/7/365. Contact us any time through the ‘contact us’ page.